Block Play, Shooting Stars, Mailbox, and a Colorful Ending...
Restaurant, Sunflowers, and A Walk Around the Block...
Monarch Progress, Lots of Pretend, and a Birthday Celebration!
A New Face, Caterpillar Babies, and Big Butterflies...
Dress-up Dolls, Pretend Sleepovers, and Kite Flying...
Flavoring Water, Counting Change, Water Play, and New Flowers...
Favorite Flowers, Mud Kitchen, and Puzzling it Out...
Flag Day Celebration!
Campouts, Fine Motor Skills, and Cooking...
Block Play, Music, and a Start to the Super-Secret Mother's Day Project...
Cinco de Mayo Parts I and II
Coloring, A Rainy Walk, and Stuck in the Playdoh...
Circle Time, Baskets, and Easter Play Dough Three Ways...
Our St. Patrick's Day Celebration...
Rainbows, Rainbows Everywhere...
Fine Motor Skills, A Rainbow of Flowers, and the Wet, Wet Outdoors...