Could the weather possibly be more perfect than it has been the last two days? The kids and I think not!
We spent as much time outside as we could, so we wasted no time cruising through our morning routine. Our circle time was spent hopping like little frogs. The children worked on hopping forward and back, side to side, and as high as they could. All that hopping is great for the legs!
After changing into swimsuits and applying sunscreen we went outside to play. I set up the water slide for the children, leaving the front end uninflated so it would be less tempting to the big kids to jump and easier for the littles to step on. As you can see below, it was a huge hit!

To conserve water, I alternated turning the water on and off every five minutes. Doing so encouraged the less splash-friendly children to have fun slipping and sliding too.

The children who were comfortable getting cooled off by the spray had lots of fun trying to make the biggest splash in the orange "pool" at the end of the slide and experimenting with different ways to slide.

For this little, learning to keep her feet as she dashed down the slide was the perfect mix of fun and sharpening her balance and coordination.

After a little practice she could make it all the way from one end to another without falling.

As lunchtime approached, the children and I headed in to get dry and warm. I gathered the ingredients to make cornbread and the children focused on measuring out ingredients according to instructions, pouring, and stirring everything together.
First, we mixed cornmeal and flour...

... then we added baking powder and baking soda...

... then came the sugar...

... buttermilk...

... and regular milk.

The cornbread turned out to be delicious and the children's appetites hearty. After naptime, we read several of Mercery Mayer's "Little Critter" stories. The children have fun pointing out Little Critter's mishaps and we talk about how he could do better.
See you tomorrow!